Heddwch Magazine

Heddwch Magazine

Heddwch is the magazine of CND Cymru. Please click on a cover to download an issue.

87July 2024July 2024Editorial: Beyond the ballot box
In the news: Philip Steele – Election 2024
Threat of nuclear war: Linda Pentz Gunter – Nuclear risk and genocides
Gaza protests: Dylan Lewis-Rowlands – Students call for divestment
War on Gaza: Siân Arfon Miners – Hell on Earth
Our military footprint: Sam Bannon – Mapping militarism
Campaigns: Roy Jones, Ali Lochhead – DARC & Lakenheath
News around Wales – From Mona to Monmouth
Mwnci Coch: Jon Plumpton, Jill Gough – Words and images to pack a punch
Book Review: Sam Bannon
Tributes and memories – Olwen Leavold by Diana Bianchi
86April 2024April 2024Total War; Gaza protests; Trident test flops; Wars and Rumours of Wars; War and Climate; Don’t Bank on the Bomb; Can You Help us ?; Letters: Singing for Gaza; War on Gaza by Beth Winter MP; Peace Action Wales; Brawdy – say No to the DARC; Around Wales: Solvay trial in Caernarfon, Gaza protests, West Bank youth visit Wales, Lakenheath, Urdd Peace Message, Pontypridd, Women for Peace, Anglesey; Reviews: “Armageddon” by Jane Corbin, “Going Nuclear” by Mabon ap Gwynfor, “The Appeal 1923-24” edited by Jenny Mathers and Mererid Hopwood; Obituaries: Joan Judson, Myrla Eastland
85December 2023December 2023World in meltdown; Mabon ap Gwynfor; Trawsfynydd to Boduan march; Nuclear weapons and treaties; Israel-Gaza war; the Rules of War; Nuclear power; Book launch: “Going Nuclear” by Mabon ap Gwynfor; a message from Plogoff; Around Wales: Eisteddfod, Hiroshima events in Newport and Swansea, Students, Fukushima, white poppies, “The Appeal”, Gaza protests across Wales; Reviews: “The Mistake” by Michael Mears, “Oppenheimer” film; Obituaries: Tim Richards, Emlyn Richards, John Lawrence Minnion
84August 2023 Hiroshima – lessons unlearned; Defend our Right to Protest; Killer Robots; A move to the DARC side?; The View from Brawdy; Vienna Peace Summit; Lakenheath: No to US nukes; Eisteddfod 2023; March: Trawsfynydd to the Maes; Wales and Palestine; Wales News – Ynys Mon, New Boundaries, Urdd Peace Message, Young Peacemakers, Swansea, Bangor, Peace Mala, Nation of Sanctuary, Refugees in Llanelli; Changes at CND Cymru – Jill Evans, Bethan Sian, Dylan Lewis-Rowlands; Reviews: The Mistake by Michael Mears
83May 2023 Editorial; The Nuclear Link; ICAN Oslo Forum; AUKUS and the New Cold War; Militarisation in Russia; Chernobyl; Poem – The Earth no longer Whole; Welsh Women’s Peace Petition; Welsh Affairs Select Committee on nuclear power; Anglesey Freeport; Peace Action Wales; Wales News – Brawdy, Iraq War, Fukushima, SMRs, Women Against the Bomb, Eisteddfod, Teledyne 4 on trial, XR, Academi Heddwch, Lakenheath; Reviews: ReadMe by Chelsea Manning, The Last Colony by Philippe Sanda, 20 Riot Cops to Nick 2 Chickens; Obituary: Celia Lang
82January 2023 The War in Ukraine; US nuclear weapons at Lakenheath; International disarmament; Nuclear Free Wales at 40; Swansea supports the TPNW; Trade Union news; Caernarfon conference; Traws-Wylfa march; Wales news – Tregaron Eisteddfod, Aberystwyth, new CND Cymru staff, Cynon Valley, white poppies, climate actions, Cardigan, Hywel Williams MP, Peace Mala 20; Reviews – “Deep Deception” by Helen Steele and others, “Brittle with Relics” by Richard King; Obituary – Ian Campbell

Earlier issues are available here