Israel / Palestine

CND Cymru is horrified to hear the developments in the middle east. Our solidarity and sympathy stand absolutely with those who have lost loved ones and our absolute support for those who stand and are working for peace and justice.
Here at CND Cymru, we call for all human life to be protected. International humanitarian law prohibits the targeting of civilians and of the infrastructure necessary for civilian survival.
We call for a ceasefire and an end to the siege which has prevented the flow of electricity, fuel, food and water to the people of Gaza.
The only way forward in the region is a new effort to reach a just peace and respect for international law.
The international community has a duty and responsibility to come together to prevent the further targeting of civilians, a wider war, ethnic cleansing and injustice.
We must guard against escalation in the middle east, considering the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region, with Israel being an undeclared nuclear state, and others possibly developing nuclear weapons. This conflict must not become a catalyst for nuclear war or destruction.
Now, more than ever, it feels important for individuals and institutions from across the world to collectively imagine a future free from weapons and wars. To build solidarity between our communities and a world order based on justice which can stop the slide to further war, finally disarm the nuclear threat, and meet the challenge of climate change.
CND Cymru calls on the Welsh Government to support and defend the Palestinian and Israeli populations in Wales, and to utilise any influence they possess to advance the cause of peace.
CND Cymru condemns the actions of the Westminster government, who are actively supporting the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity. While breaches of international law are nothing new to this Westminster government, we call on the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition to support peace and justice for Palestine and Israel, focusing on humanitarian aid and protection of human and civil rights.